
The links to electronic homework will only work for students who were registered in UofSC CSCE 580. All students are required to make an account at Gradescope and enroll using this code: G3N66E After you register for this course on Gradescope, this link should work: Gradescope


We envision several routes of communication for this course:

  • The main mode of electronic communication between students and TAs, as well as amongst students, will be through Piazza. It is intended for general questions about the course, clarifications about assignments, student questions to each other, discussions about material, and so on.

  • If you need to contact the instructor, you should email pjamshid AT

Attendance and class participation

Attendance is essential for success in this course. We encourage all students to actively participate in class (by asking or answering questions, sharing experience, discussing project ideas, etc). Active participation will enhance your learning experience and that of the other students. There will be also some quizzes which are designed to emphasize a salient issue in the lecture of the day or in a previous lecture. Another purpose of quizzes is to take attendance.


Prior computer programming experience is expected. Course projects will be in Python. If you do not have previous experience with the language, we expect you to learn the basics very rapidly.

Academic Integrity

I would encourage you to discuss or brainstorm with other students or professors about the assignments, projects and homeworks, but submissions should acknowledge all collaborators and sources consulted. We will actively check for code and other kinds of plagiarism (both from current classmates and other available online sources). We trust you all to submit your own work, but be aware if you plagiarize from other students or online sources, you will simply fail this course. Also, all the potential Honor Code violations will be reported to the Office of Academic Integrity, which has the authority to implement non-academic penalties as described in STAF 6.25.

Disabilities Policy

Any student who has a need for accommodation based on the impact of a documented disability, please contact the Office of Student Disability Services: Phone: 803-777-6142, Email: sasds AT, Address: 1523 Greene Street, LeConte College Room 112A, Web.


Overall grades will be based on:

  • Course Projects (40%)
  • Homework Assignments (15%)
  • Midterm (20%)
  • Final exam (25%)

The grading scale will be based on:

Grade Score
A [90 – 100]%
B+ [86 – 90)%
B [75 – 86)%
C+ [70 – 75)%
C [60 – 70)%
D+ [55 – 60)%
D [40 – 55)%
F [0 – 40)%

Regrading policy

If you believe an error has been made in the grading of one of your exams or assignments, you may resubmit it for a regrade. Because we will examine your entire submission in detail, your grade can go up or down as a result of a regrade request.


All CSE majors can enroll in this course as long as you meet the pre-reqs for the class [CSCE 350]. The same for other majors, but they have to wait to sign up after the CSE majors, and might have to fill out the override request form.

Template for Homeworks

All homeworks must be submitted in the following template.